Single Fiber Interferometers
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The 3DScope low cost interferometer uses the industry-proven DAISI software. Non-compressed, real time and high quality images are transferred from the hardware to the software via a USB2.0 high speed link in addition to the automation and control commands.
3DScope is portable and can be interfaced to laptop or desktop computers through one single USB link only (including power).

All calibration steps are automated and embedded into a user-friendly software interface in order to yield error-free and reliable measurements.      Download 3D-Scope product datasheet


Key Features :
Single unit for measurement of single-fiber PC and APC ferrules, connectors and bare fibers.
  Non-contact measurement.
Interfaceable to laptop computers, only one USB2.0 link required, including power.

  Vibration insensitive. Measurements can be made when holding the system by hand.
  Connector key adaptors for most connector types. Special design provides easy loading feature.
  Fast and automated measurement of radius, apex offset, fiber height + more.
  Accurate and repeatable measurements.
  Compliance with Industry Standards for Interferometer Measurements (True phase shifting)
  Measure angle of cleaving of bare fibers with great precision
  High resolution 2D & 3D surface profiles
  Measurement Report and History Report in Excel
  Measure Fiber and Ferrule Roughness (Sq parameter)


Parameter *Repeatability/Reproducibility Range
Radius (mm) ±0.2% / ±0.4% 3 to flat
Apex Offset (µm) ±0.7 / ±1.5 0 to 500
Fibre Height (nm) ±1 / ±1.5 ±160
Fiber Cleave Angle (°) ±0.05° 0 to 12°
Measurement Speed (sec.)   2
Magnification   x200
Wavelength (nm)   633
Power requirements Provided by USB


DAISI Interferometer

Software and hardware for the DAISI Interferometer was redesigned from the ground up fixing many design flaws found in competitive products. With many automation features and a sophisticated interface to the micro controller-based electronic interface this system is designed to be used in high volume production facilities and requires little operator training.

Non-compressed, real time and high quality images are transferred from the hardware to the software via a USB2.0 high speed link in addition to the automation and control commands.
DAISI is portable and can be interfaced to laptop or desktop computers.

All calibration steps are automated and embedded into a user-friendly software interface in order to yield error-free and reliable measurements.
   Download DAISI product datasheet

Key Features :
Single unit for measurement of single-fiber and MT-RJ, PC and APC ferrules, connectors and bare fibers.
  Non-contact measurement.
  Fast autofocus.
  One button easy operation.
  Servo-controlled reference mirror for automatic Apex calibration.
  Strongest ferrule holder in the industry with automated open/close feature. Can perform measurements while handling the cable.
  No exterior moving parts or adjustment screw -> No apex decalibration.
  Vibration insensitive. Measurements can be made when holding the system by hand.
  Easy and fast switching from PC to APC, no change of ferrule holder required.
  Connector key adaptors for most connector types. Special design provides easy loading feature.
  Fast and automated measurement of radius, apex offset, fiber height + more.
  Accurate and repeatable measurements.
  Can be interfaced to laptop computers, only one USB2.0 link required.
  Compliance with Industry Standards for Interferometer Measurements
  Measure angle of cleaving of bare fibers with great precision
  High resolution 2D & 3D surface profiles
  Measurement Report and History Report in Excel
  Measure Fiber and Ferrule Roughness (Sq parameter)


Polished connector measurement example at x450 mag.

EXCEL report example.


Parameter *Repeatability/Reproducibility Range
Radius (mm) ±0.1% / ±0.2% 3 to flat
Apex Offset (µm) ±0.5 / ±1 0 to 300
Fibre Height (nm) ±1 / ±1.5 ±160
Fiber Cleave Angle (°) ±0.05° 0 to 8°
Measurement Speed (sec.)   3
Magnification   x300
Wavelength (nm)   633
Power requirements 12V 25VA

* 1 Sigma values.
Repeatability values calculated from 50 consecutive measurements without interaction
on connector between measurements.
Reproducibility values calculated from 50 consecutive measurements while rotating
connector in ferrule holder between measurements


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Last modified: 05/16/11